PP'd, 4th Jan 25 - Home - Walsall

Run by Shade

Moderators: Admin, Ralph, asl, Robin, Shade

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Location: Cheltenhamshire
ctfc-fan grabbed the number 1 spot for the New Year and extended the lead by 3 on New Years Day. Just a handful of 3 pointers across both of the last two games makes little difference to the rest of the table!

Table after MD27:
ctfc-fan: 69 £
asl: 63 £
Shade: 60 ££
theidlerich: 51 ££
AlexCTFC: 48 £££
Johnsons Red Army: 45 ££
cliffy90: 45 £
Red Duke: 42 £££
slinky_dog: 27 £
Haitch: 21 ££

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Location: Cheltenhamshire
Postponed, will put a new thread up when the time comes.
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